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Online exhibition of original crow drawings

To celebrate completing the drawings and to give local backers the chance to see the work in person, I hosted a pop up show at The Whitby Bookshop - an independent bookseller in a beautiful historic building just a few doors up from my home studio.


We were originally going to set the show up for halloween weekend as it seemed appropriate but decided to move it back to November so as to not clash with the town wide goth festival (if you're not familiar with Whitbys gothic culture, give it a Google). I'm glad we did as it gave me chance to explore a couple of additional crow watching spots and enabled me to get some of the best images. Funny how things work out sometimes. 

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I like working with different venues especially for pop up events - the sister project to this 'Murder' was shown at a local b&b. I loved the idea of the bookshop though, it seemed a natural fit and as it's set up for display anyway, it was a fairly simple setup too, using a series of areas that created a natural flow.

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The most perfect spot of the weekend - right between gothic/horror and local interest. The black and white boxes were already there and swiped to add that little extra Tim Burton to the whole thing :) They even let me take home the shelf label so I could scale and print a custom one (which I then forgot to get a photo of so you'll have to imagine that bit). 


A little bit of behind the scenes mess as we were setting up the table - the bird at the top of the branch is an old hand at all this as he's appeared as part of many displays before at the shop. We mixed in suitable books with the drawings, and Fiona who runs the shop was up on the second level suspending a few crows to add height to the arrangement.


I even managed to put a couple in the alcove beside the wonderful sweeping staircase just in case anyone had managed to miss me. We held an open evening and on the Saturday, I was there with my pencils to do a live demonstration. I also got us a spot in the local paper.

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